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Payne Pleads Guilty To Assault Of Female, Sentenced To 20 Years (8/20/24)Ripley County Prosecuting Attorney Matt Michel has announced that on Aug. 19, Jeffrey Trey Payne, 30, of Doniphan was sentenced to serve 20 years in the Missouri Department of Corrections after pleading guilty to a Class A felony of the first degree assault of a woman...
Julie Stone To Assume Prospect-News Management Duties (9/4/24)The Prospect-News is in a transition phase with many changes ahead, not the least of which will be a shift in duties for Accounts Executive/Reporter Julie Stone. Effective Monday, Aug. 26, Stone took on the role of Prospect-News manager in addition to her job as accounts executive and writer...
Ripley County Toys 4 Tots Grand Prize (8/29/24)
Breaking New Ground for Developmentally Disabled: Fleetwood Nominated To Difference Makers (8/28/24)Mike Fleetwood of Doniphan has spent 42 years contributing to the success of the multi-million dollar organization Cru (formerly the Campus Crusade for Christ International), with an aim toward carrying out the “Great Commission,” as defined in Matthew 28:18-20...
Reflections of Grace- Romans 4:16 (9/3/24)“That is why it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his offspring—not only to the adherent of the law but also to the one who shares the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all…” — Romans 4:16...
Speakers To Share Hope, Healing For Addiction During Second Annual ‘Recovery Rally’ Sept. 14 (9/4/24)Addiction to any mind-altering substance is a cruel taskmaster which imprisons the user and then oppresses those closest, innocent bystanders, whose only crime is to love that individual. The chains of addiction can seem unbreakable to those who are bound, as well as to those looking on...
Circuit Thoughts (8/28/24)Now that school is back in session, what are your educational plans? I know, for some of us going back to school is not an option we want to entertain, but the reality is we should be in some sort of learning mode. This is particularly true if you are walking in the footsteps of our Savior...
FEMA Adjusts Services for Labor Day, September 2 (8/30/24)The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster operation in Missouri is making service adjustments in observance of the upcoming Labor Day holiday on Monday, Sept. 2, 2024. Disaster Recovery Centers: • Disaster Recovery Centers (DRCs) in Sikeston and Doniphan will be closed on Labor Day. The centers already are closed on Sundays. Both DRCs will reopen at 8 a.m. on Tuesday and resume operating hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon-Fri.; 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays...
Want Better Internet? 400 Responses To Survey Are Needed By Aug. 9 (7/31/24)Ripley County suffers from slow, inadequate internet services; however, a solution is within reach (in fact, as close as your cell phone or computer keyboard). Residents can help just by taking a simple survey. However, the surveys must be completed by Aug. 9...
Hummingbirds Enjoy A Break (9/5/24)