Letter to the Editor

To The Editor

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


Reading your article on the Ripley County Budget 2023 you stated the $11.5 million in Grant monies as a total in operating the county. Please be specific with the Grant monies allocations as I understand those should be for their identified projects, not for general fund use.

Thank you for the article. I am a concerned resident on how the commissioners distribute county funds. The perception from previous articles implies there is never enough money.

Kind regards,

Christi Charles


Editor’s note:

Space does not permit us to go into every detail of the county budget; the printed copy of the budget is about an inch and a quarter thick. However, some of your questions may be answered when the county publishes a more detailed financial statement, which will be sometime before June. Also, the budget is available electronically. The county commission will email you a complete copy, free of charge, upon request.