Reflections of Grace - Romans 4:16“That is why it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his offspring—not only to the adherent of the law but also to the one who shares the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all…” — Romans 4:16...
Circuit ThoughtsBefore Moses died, he stood before the entire nation and reminded them of what God had done for them. For forty years, God fed, clothed and protected the Israelites until they finally came to the promised land. The book of Deuteronomy is basically the final speech of Moses...
Sept.7, 1994 – Whiteside Family Opens Express Oil & Lube
Modern Hill WomanCave Spring It’s been a summer of day trips, mainly to once thriving towns, cemeteries and mills. People gathered at these water powered mills, located near springs, to grind corn and wheat, or saw lumber for homesteads. The springs often provided drinking water as well...
News From HandyFarewell August. You brought us some unusually cool wet weather and, at the end, your typical sultry heat. The last vestige of your super moon was enough to light up part of the eastern sky in the early morning hours, not prime for another go at the planet lineup. Moving to the opposite side of my house, I still didn’t pick out planets but lo and behold a meteor streaked by. Well worth the effort...
I Get By With A Little Help From My FriendsI received an unexpected phone call this morning. Joyce and I worked together as LPNs at a nursing home in my “other” life. I could write a book about the shenanigans we pulled or had pulled on us at the nursing home. Today she called with a question. ...
Close To Home“Half of the American people have never read a newspaper. Half have never voted for President. One hopes it’s the same half.” That’s a Gore Vidal quote from the 1992 publication of three of his Harvard University lectures titled “Screening History.”...
News From Out WestIt is official we now say goodbye to summer and hello to fall. Just think, in about three months we will celebrate Christmas. I don’t know about you but time sure does fly by faster when you get older. There was a time you couldn’t wait until you were 16 so you could get your driver’s licenses. ...
Embracing ChangeThe Bible contains many fascinating stories from Jesus’ life. One of the most interesting is found in John 5:1-15 about a man waiting to be healed at the Pool of Bethesda. Tradition had it that periodically, an angel would stir the water, and the first person into the pool afterward would be healed...
PrioritiesOur church staff is reading an incredible book suggesting tiny changes can produce remarkable results. In Atomic Habits, James Clear combines fascinating research with interesting principles that encourage us to live meaningful lives. I was captivated by an amazing story Clear shared about Laszlo Polgar, a Hungarian man who thought hard work was always more powerful than talent. ...
Modern Hill WomanChiggers Ahh, the joys of summer. The sunshine, the river, the fresh produce, the family time. The bugs. Gnats, ticks, mosquitoes, and one very tiny parasite that you’ll swear came straight from the depths of hell if you’re ever unfortunate enough to have them hitchhike a ride on you... chiggers...
Circuit ThoughtsNow that school is back in session, what are your educational plans? I know, for some of us going back to school is not an option we want to entertain, but the reality is we should be in some sort of learning mode. This is particularly true if you are walking in the footsteps of our Savior...
News From HandyBro. Donnie Foerster brought us an interesting sermon Sunday with emphasis on subordinating self interests to the will of the Creator. We were happy to see the Bristol pew occupied and to have John and Janet Hoskins back from their Alaska vacation. We welcomed visitors that came with them, Brad and Cindy Huff, and look forward to having them back. We missed seeing Shookie Hilton sitting next to Gary who is ever faithful even when Shookie isn’t able to come. Sending get well wishes her way...
News From Out WestThis has been a hard past week, as I mentioned last week that I was admitted into the hospital and was there almost five days. I am still not all the way I need to be but, with so many prayers I know I soon will be. Not enough words to express how blessed I have been since my health scare. ...
Close To HomeWe’ve had a few days lately that beckoned me to roll windows down, turn volume up and head off to nowhere in particular. Early in retirement I eagerly accepted that enticement regularly and took off with two must-haves for the frivolity: (1) mad money for snacks/gas (coins from purses/pockets and couch cushions), and (2) a bra for decency when handing over the clinking cash on those snacks/gas stops...
A Good Word“I No Longer Pray For Peace” On the edge of war, one foot already in, I no longer pray for peace: I pray for miracles. I pray that stone hearts will turn to tenderheartedness, and evil intentions will turn to mercifulness, and all the soldiers already deployed will be snatched out of harm’s way,...
Thursday, Aug. 29, 1974 - Wins Third Place In Poetry ContestHackworth’s winning poem is printed below. “America, the beautiful. Yes that’s the place to be. With all the lovely scenery and all the sights to see. All our 50 states, for sure, I cannot name, And all the historical events which brought our nation fame. So I think I’ll take America. Yes, that’s the place for me. With all of God’s creation and places I’ve still to see.”...
Circuit ThoughtsSchool is officially back in session. The children of the summer are now the students of the fall and winter. This summer has come and gone like a rocket sled on rails. It just went too fast, (at least from my perspective). We have seen changes in weather, society and even in ourselves. In fact, the one thing that seems to be constant is change. There is always change...
News From NaylorHi to all, I was out of town last week. I got to go see my family at Lake of the Ozarks. Got to see all but oldest great-grandson. My sister, Pam and Weldon Cox took me there. My granddaughter always fixes chicken enchiladas and other homemade food. She likes to cook Mexican and we like to eat it. My daughter, Cammy, her two kids, Eric and his daughter Ivy, Jamie and her husband and four of her kids. Plus three dogs...
Out and AboutI would like to say Thank You to all who have kept me in their prayers. I have been in the hospital since Monday. Several things that are going on. I have a very dear friend, Patty Bradshaw, who sent me some beautiful yellow roses. Many have been checking on me. I had wonderful people who are taking care of me at the hospital...
Close To HomeTransitions dominate hearts and minds as first-day-of-school photos pop up on social media. These days tug at heartstrings but not all reactions are created equal. Intensities of emotions vary immensely. I gauge them by personal experiences. Annual 8x10’s featured on living room walls, 5x7’s mailed to grandparents for their albums and wallet-sized photos exchanged among school chums were the norms during my childhood. ...
News From HandySo much for watching Perseids—no clear skies to be found either north or south Missouri. Source says they will persist through the end of August so I can hope! Sodden from relentless rains, again dead trees fell across 3142. Fortunately I was warned to watch out for this as I returned from my trip. Thanks to David Masching for bringing his chain saw around and making a passage and to Oregon County Commissioner Terry Miner for sending help to remove the big ones...
Modern Hill WomanThe Boze/Huddleston Connection The summer of 2015 will forever be known in our family as the “#adventuretuesday summer.” It was spent exploring our area, mainly Oregon County, to the west of our county. Boze Mill was the first stop on our summer-long adventure. ...
July 19, 1984 – Naylor Grain To State
Aug. 16, 1984 – Afternoon Showers Become Weather Pattern
Becky HillA Good Word
Teresa LeeClose To Home
Bernice RigginsEllsinore News
Sharon HastingsOut West
Laura Sue HoeferFrom Laura Sue's Recipe Box
Ethel MaysNaylor News
Bonny DavisHandy News
Serra McCabeWest Point News
Donna Tillman-SandlinNews From Currentview/Purman
Kent WilfongCircuit Thoughts