Circuit Thoughts

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

According to Webster’s 21st Century Dictionary a fool is “a person of bad judgement”. Now, when you think about it, many of us have been fools because we have been known to exercise bad judgement, (or maybe it is just me).

Psalm 14 starts off with these words, “Fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” Did you catch that? The Writer of the Psalms points out that it is bad judgement to even consider that God does not exist. I find it interesting that many God deniers will claim that those of us who do know God exists are fools. That’s alright with me. If I am a fool, then I am a fool for Christ. If the world considers it bad judgement to follow Christ, then I am the poster child for foolishness.

You see, I have come to the point in my life that I see God working in even the most mundane things. This past Tuesday, I went to pick up my wife at the hospital and just as I was pulling into the parking garage, a spot three spaces down from the entrance opened. I’d call that a God thing. I look at my children, and I realize that when I talk about them, I brag. I call that a God thing. This morning I felt overwhelmed by all the things that needed to be done at the church and at home. I opened my devotional and read about how to not be overwhelmed. That is a God thing.

The world would say that was all circumstance and I was just looking for verification. The thing is, as a fool for Christ, I don’t need verification. God is real to me, as real as my wife and kids. He has led me to these wonderful churches. He has brought me through many challenges, and I am stronger for it.

The point I am trying to make is this; It is not bad judgement to follow Christ. It is bad judgement to go it alone. Those who scoff at faith in Christ, really have no idea how hard they are making it.

Which is why it is even more important to encourage people to come to your worship service. We cannot, in good conscience, allow people to wander around in their darkness, thinking they are enlightened. We cannot allow our wise brothers and sisters to keep living in “bad judgement.”

The two greatest commandments dictate to us the need to share the good news of Christ. Loving our neighbor is loving God’s children. Loving God’s children means helping them become wiser in Christ, and teaching them to be the disciples Christ calls us to be.

So, start practicing good judgement. Get back to church. Get back on your knees in prayer. Get involved in the bible studies at your church. Start a small group in your house. Invite that person checking your groceries out to a bible time. Help get children to Sunday school. Go ahead, act the fool for Christ, for that is true wisdom.

See you in church.

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