The Real… Rest of The Story

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

In 2009, while researching a story I had heard broadcaster Paul Harvey tell on his Rest of the Story broadcast, I learned the legendary newsman’s wife had died the previous year. At the time of Lynne’s death, the couple had been married for more than 65 years.

Few who heard Harvey’s unique voice intone the words “…and now you know… the rest of the story,” ever forgot it. I know that personally because years ago I heard his voice while in a Cracker Barrel restaurant. I had to look for myself to see if it was really him. It was. He and his wife were contentedly browsing in the Cracker Barrel store.

Few listeners knew Lynne Cooper Harvey was as talented as her famous husband. According to his website, Lynne was director, writer and editor of his daily, News and Comment program. She developed the wildly popular radio program, The Rest of the Story. She was responsible for establishing 10 p.m. as the time the news is reported each night on television. She also created the television show, Dilemma, the forerunner of the modern talk show.

While working at CBS she was one of the first women to ever produce an entire newscast. Lynne was also the first woman to receive a lifetime achievement award from the Chicago chapter of American Women in Radio and Television. Mrs. Harvey was the first producer, either male or female, ever inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame.

According to the founder of the Museum of Broadcast Communications, Bruce DuMont, “She was to Paul Harvey, what Colonel Parker was to Elvis Presley. She really put him on the track to have the phenomenal career that his career has been.”

Paul Harvey affectionately called Lynne his angel, and the two were a team in the truest sense. Throughout the challenges which are part of every marriage, the Harveys did more than merely survive, they thrived together.

Their lives remind me of the wisdom found in Solomon’s words, “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, NLT)

Paul and Lynne Harvey enjoyed remarkable success because they worked together. I am sure it was not always easy. No long-term family or professional relationship ever is. However, Paul and Lynne Harvey were a remarkable reminder that life-long relationships can bring out the absolute best in one another. And now you know… the rest of the story.

Tim Richards grew up in Fairdealing. He currently serves as a pastor at Concord Church in South County St. Louis.

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