Circuit Thoughts

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Luke 13:31-35 has an interesting interaction with Christ. It starts off with the Pharisees warning Jesus about King Herod. Now, I can’t help but wonder if this was out of concern or just another political intrigue being played out, but that is for another discussion.

After responding to them (and that was a bit juicy) Jesus goes on to talk about his coming journey and the eventual results that will happen in Jerusalem (honestly, if you don’t know what is going to happen, you probably need to get to Sunday School).

During his talk in verse 34, I sense that there is a bit of resignation to what is coming. He resigns to the fact that this trip to Jerusalem will be his last. I also can’t help but imagine that this isn’t a trip he wants to take, but it is a journey he must make.

As followers of Christ, we too are called to make journeys we may not want too. The fact of the matter is, we live in a world that hates to hear about Christ. We live in times where being right and doing the right thing is not all that popular. We live in places that frown upon public displays of prayer, and don’t even get me started on carrying a bible.

The reality is, Christianity is hated by those who are of the world. Yes, I said hated. The reason Christianity is hated is because it teaches the opposite of what the world teaches. Thus, we who follow Christ, are hated.

This also means, we are called upon to make journey’s that will take us to places we don’t want to go. Some journeys will be to far off lands, and others will be just next door.

But folks, think about it. Jesus was beat, crucified and buried because he told the truth. After three days he rose from the grave, proving the truth. If the son of God was beat and crucified because of his preaching, why do we expect anything different? If our leader is condemned by the world, why do we expect anything less?

Following Christ means trusting that God will call us to where we need to be. We must be willing to do whatever we are called to do to lead people to Christ. If we proclaim Christ as our savior, then we need to share the Gospel with the world, even if it doesn’t want to hear it.

As an adult, I have had to do things I didn’t want to do but were necessary to do. I have had to tell a child their pet died. I have had to plunge an overflowing toilet multiple times. I have had to say goodbye to loved ones. I have even had to stand up for the truth when others were satisfied with a lie.

Following Christ means standing up for and sharing the truth. The truth is this, For God so loved the world… (you can read the rest in John 3:16-17).

Making the journey to find the lost and forgotten is part of being a follower of Christ.

See you in church.

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