Circuit Thoughts

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

This past Sunday was celebrated in many churches as Pentecost Sunday. This is looked upon as the birthday of the church. We get a real good understanding of what happened that day if we read Acts 2:1-21. The result of that day brought over 3000 believers to Christ. The church took off like a raging firestorm, and it hasn’t stopped even after almost 2,000 years.

This event was really no surprise because Jesus told the disciples this would happen. If you read John 14, you will see Jesus introducing the Holy Spirit to the boys. However, there is a caveat that we often overlook. John 14:14 says “If you love me, (and that is Agape love) you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to be with you forever. This is the Spirit of TRUTH, whom the world cannot receive…”

So, in order to receive the Holy Spirit two things must happen. A: we must obey the commandants Christ has given us. These are Love God, Love Neighbor and Love one another (again this is Agape love, and we have talked about this). B: we must Love Christ (Agape). This love means putting Christ first in all things.

So, it seems that not just anyone can receive the Holy Spirit, and that is as it should be. The Holy Spirit comes to those who follow Christ. This means the world cannot know the Spirit. The Spirit is the Spirit of truth, and the world is a world of sin and lies.

This also means that if we accept the premise of Christ and Spirit, we will not be accepted by the world. The world can’t get it, but then as followers of Christ, we are no longer of the world.

Now there are certain things to expect when following Christ. If you look at verses 12-15, you will see that we will be at work. Yes, following Christ is not a holiday. We don’t get to put our feet up and relax, we are expected to get to work bringing people to Christ. Don’t worry, Jesus has our back, because he promises to respond. He will answer prayers in his name. If that isn’t enough, Jesus has also assured us that we will have guidance and an Advocate, a.k.a. the Holy Spirit.

Folks, in a world as messed up as ours, we are the outsiders. The world hates, and we are called to love. The world lies and we are called to tell the truth. The world is about death, and we can offer eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. That means, it isn’t going to be easy. We must first look to Christ, and then rely on the Holy Spirit, if we want this world to change.

Christ has given us options that the world cannot offer, and we are blessed to be the people to share the good news. God loves the world, but they don’t know it, yet.

See you in church.

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