The Legend Of Belle Neal’s Ghost 

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Ozarks are rich with superstitions and legends. Tales of MoMo, Karcagne, Ozark Howler, UFOs, and haunted places abound. The Irish Wilderness is steeped in mystery. 

One such legend lies in the town of Doniphan in Oak Ridge Cemetery.

Belle Neal’s tombstone is a beautiful statue of a woman and the most prominent in the cemetery. Its inscription reads, “Lord, she was thine and not mine own, thou hast not done me wrong. I thank thee for thy precious loan, afforded me so long.” 

It is said that Belle Neal’s ghost wanders among the graves late at night and voices can sometimes be heard whispering. Legend has it that the statue above her grave comes to life at midnight. Many claim to have seen her wave. Websites dedicated to ghost chasing and paranormal activity list Doniphan Oak Ridge Cemetery as a haunted place. Paranormal investigators have traveled there with EVP machines, divining rods, and night vision cameras hoping to catch a glimpse of or hear Belle. Paranormal experts believe some spirits are trapped in this realm possibly because of loss of a child (they’re still searching for them), unfinished business, they don’t realize that they’re dead, or their own demise was tragic or suspicious. 

Isabelle (Belle) was born in Stoddard County, Mo. June 1, 1861 to Daniel and Mary Ann (Barbee) Kitchens. She passed from this life on Feb. 7, 1905. She was married to George A. Neal who was employed as a cashier at Ripley County Bank, and had no children. According to her obituary she died while hospitalized at Mayfield Sanitarium in St. Louis, Mo. Four days prior to her death she had an ovarian tumor removed. A conflicting story claims she was run over by a beer wagon. 

There were three ministers officiating at her funeral so she may have been well known in the community. “Belle NEAL who died Feb. 7 was buried from CP church at 2:30 p.m. last Thursday. Services were conducted by Rev. Maness,  assisted by Rev. Wilkins, Baptist Church and Rev. Burton, ME church” – Prospect News Feb. 16, 1905. 

Whether Belle still roams the cemetery grounds remains to be proven. My hope for Belle is that she may have eternal peace.

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