Circuit Thoughts

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Did you know that there is a mental condition called Chronophobia? It’s true. Chronophobia is a fear of the future or the passing of time. Anticipatory Anxiety is basically worrying about the future (this is why you lie awake at night before an important event or meeting) whereas Chronophobia is down right fear of the future.

Now, what does that have to do with the price of tea in India? Well, nothing except the fact that there are many people who fear the future. If you listen to the news, the future is bleak because some political party is either in charge or may become in charge. We just went through a primary vote, and the future was painted as hopeless if we voted for the wrong person. Political grandstanding by nations offers a glimpse at a bleak future, and quite frankly even the weather person on TV rarely paints a positive picture of weather.

If you follow social media, then it really gets scary. The point is, we seem to be living in a world that keeps us in an anxious state. We fear what we don’t know, and we can’t know the future. Even in some evangelical circles we have the futurists screaming at the top of their lungs that Christ is coming, and Armageddon is just around the corner.

I say to that, “Yeah, so what?” Now, I’m not being cavalier about this. I believe Christ is coming, but I don’t think it is something that should strike fear in the heart of the believer. We should be looking forward to the return of our king, not fearing. Unless…

Unless we have failed to hold up our end of the covenant, then a little anxiety may be in order. I mean, Christ did give us a commission before he went into Heaven. “Go and make disciples…”, but he also told us he would be with us until the end of the age. (That means the age will end, just look in Matthew 28: 16-20)

I don’t think Jesus wanted us to go around scaring people into repentance by pointing out every potential end-times signal. This is not the way Christ works. In Luke 12:32 he says, “Do not be afraid…”.

How can we stop from fearing the future? Embrace and do the job Jesus has given us. We are to make Disciples and if we are making Disciples, then what worry do we have. If we are doing the Great Commission, then we have no fear of Jesus’ return.

Anxiety happens, I know this, but we can relieve much of the anxiety towards Christ’s return by simply doing what Christ has called us to do; Love God, Love Neighbor, love one another and Make Disciples. Going to church, bible study, holy conversation and just following Christ is doing the work of the Kingdom.

The Kingdom is coming, Christ is returning, but that is no reason to be afraid, and all the more reason to share Christ with the lost.

See you in church.

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