Circuit Thoughts

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Jesus taught in parables. One he shared was about yeast. “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed in with three measures of flour until all of it was leavened.”

Now, many scholars and thinkers have differing ideas of what this parable means, so I would like to share my idea. You see, it doesn’t take a whole lot of yeast to make bread rise. In fact, it takes very little compared to the amount of flour that is used. But even with so little yeast, the entire loaf is affected by the yeast.

And so, it is with the Kingdom of God. When Jesus was teaching and preaching, He had 12 disciples and a few followers. After 2000 +/- years of teaching and preaching, the entire world has been affected by Jesus. While there may be places that have not heard the Good News of Christ, most of the world knows who Christ is.

But when it comes to the Kingdom, what is yeast, and how does it keep going after 2000 years. Well, I believe the yeast is you and me. We are affected by the word of God. We have gone to church and learned the Bible Stories. We are called to be the yeast that allows the Kingdom to grow.

Christ was trying to let the listeners know that even the small amount of teaching they may receive that day would be enough to change the world. Since then, we have learned, taught, explored, and shared the yeast. For the bread to keep rising and the Kingdom to keep building, we must continue to share the Gospel of Christ.

I realize that we may think the world doesn’t want to hear about Jesus. But I think the world wants to know about Christ. I think the world is hungry for bread that builds the Kingdom. I think non-believers want the Bread of Life.

And there is where we come in. We have the yeast; we are part of the measure that will make the bread of life. We are part of the Kingdom of God and therefore we need to feed the hungry souls. All around you and I are people starving for the word of God. They have been looking in all the wrong places. They have tried ways to meet God only to fail. We have the word of life given to us by Christ.

You, because you are reading this article, have all you need to be yeast. You know the stories; you know the Good News. You can make a difference in someone’s life. All you need to do is share the bread.

God calls us to build the Kingdom, to be seekers of the lost and sharers of the word. “Go and make disciples,” He said. We are not to make disciples for our church, but Disciples for Christ that will change the world.

Shalom my friends.

See you in church.

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