Circuit Thoughts

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

It’s Real

As I write this today, Israel is in a multi-front war. Terrorists have infiltrated its borders and went on a killing spree. The Israeli death toll has reached over one thousand, including United States Citizens. We haven’t much of an idea of the toll on the citizens in Gaza, or the number of terrorists that have been killed. Regardless, it is the innocents that pay the price for war. The way war is waged now, collateral damage includes many civilian victims. Even in our own cities, when gang violence leads to shootings, it is often the innocent that pays the price. Children and babies should never be exposed to war, yet in one Israeli community alone, 40 babies along with their parents and siblings were killed. This is not what we are made for.

When God created us, He said “Let us make man in our image…” (Genesis 1:26-27). Think about that, something within us is created to be just like God. We have an attribute that is God-like, that reflects God. Because of that attribute, we are all God’s children. Yet, why are so many seemingly dedicating themselves to the eradication of that image in others? This is the question we need to ask and answer.

Yes, we know that evil exists. We have organizations that are bent on destroying everyone that doesn’t agree with them. Whole governments have been established with the sole purpose of eradicating a certain people: 70 years ago it was the Jews and other undesirables. Before that it was the Armenians, before that it was Christians or Muslims, or English, or Irish, or Native Americans, or (just fill in the blanks).

Humanity has a definite problem with evil. Evil teaches us that others are less human than ourselves. Evil dictates that the world would be a better place if everyone was like us. Evil teaches us that we are better than anyone else.

You and I have a different message. We know that all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. We know that we are all God’s children, and we know that we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. We are not animals, we are God’s creation, carriers of God’s image.

What is happening angers me, it scares me, it frustrates me, but it also teaches me. It teaches me that the Church, in all its facets and personalities, has done a lousy job showing Christ’s love for others. Evil needs something to feed on. That something is hate, anger, frustration, all of which are found in abundance in our streets and byways. When are we going to stop hiding behind our walls and start showing the love Christ shows to us?

I’m sorry that this article isn’t upbeat, and maybe a little accusatory. Pray for the people of Israel, pray for the people of Gaza. Pray for the innocents that are being hurt, and the families of the hostages and the dead. And then do the hard thing; pray for the enemies of Christ, that they may finally hear the truth.

Just a thought.

Shalom my friends. See you in church.

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