Circuit Thoughts - Advent 4 Christmas Eve

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

This Fourth Sunday of Advent is rather unique this year in that it is also Christmas Eve. The Candle we light this week represents love. We are reminded of the absolute Agape love that came down that night in Bethlehem. One interesting fact you may not have realized is this; Because of the way time is considered in Jewish settings, the new day starts at sundown. This means when we go to an evening Christmas eve service, by Jewish reckoning, we are celebrating on Christmas day.

Love came down that night. It was a gift that had been in the works since the beginning of time. Every prophecy of Christ was fulfilled through this baby who would become the man Jesus. God made a way through His only begotten son for us to have the debt of sin taken away.

Imagine if everyone you owed money to came to you and said your debt is clear. This means no more credit card bills, no more house payments, no more car payments. Financially you would get a clean slate. While that will probably never happen, this is what Jesus did for us, only more.

You see, he didn’t forgive our financial debts, he forgave our sin debt. Romans 6:23 reminds us, “For the wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”. Sin is death, but Christ offers life if we only surrender to him. His death on the cross paid for all the debt we incurred due to our sins. His resurrection even took away death.

This is the good news of Christ, a baby born at night, who brings light. This baby will take our sins as His own and pay the price we cannot pay. This baby will grow to conquer disease, injury and even death. The Son of God, Emmanuel is born to bring light into the world.

Is it no wonder Christ is born around the time that Hebrews celebrate Hanukkah, also known as the festival of Lights? Is it any wonder that John opens with, “In the beginning… “and then “in Him was life, and the life was the Light of men”?

We live in some very dark times. Even our season has longer days than not. We are uncertain of what will happen tomorrow, and many are uncertain where their next meal will come from. Some don’t have even the simplest of shelter. For some, there isn’t even any hope. Yes, the world is very dark right now.

But our Savior came to end the darkness, to cancel our debts and to give us the gift of hope. Too many people don’t know this, but you do. So, why don’t you join with me in making it a point to tell people of our Savior Christ the Lord. Let’s tell people of His birth, life, death and resurrection. Let’s let people know that there is always HOPE if you know Christ. And let’s keep doing it even after we put away the decorations and tinsel.

Just a thought.

Shalom my friends. See you in church.

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