Hummingbirds Enjoy A Break (9/5/24)
Ripley County Toys 4 Tots Grand Prize Raffle Sales Are Underway (9/5/24)Ripley County Toys 4 Tots raffle for a chance to win a 2024 17-52 Blazer SS boat with a 60/40 Mercury motor is underway. One week after raffle tickets began, under half of the 225 tickets remain unsold. Resident Eddy Justice is a local volunteer for the organization that has invited Ripley County citizens to follow the new Ripley County Toys for Tots Official page on facebook...
Speakers To Share Hope, Healing For Addiction During Second Annual ‘Recovery Rally’ Sept. 14 (9/4/24)Addiction to any mind-altering substance is a cruel taskmaster which imprisons the user and then oppresses those closest, innocent bystanders, whose only crime is to love that individual. The chains of addiction can seem unbreakable to those who are bound, as well as to those looking on...
Ripley County Public Health Center Board Met Aug. 27 (9/4/24)Members Present: Sheila Featherston, Sherrie Newman, Mark Thompson, Janet Arnold, and Tammy Cosgrove. Members Absent: Dorothy Walker The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given. Old Business:...
Out and About (9/4/24)Labor Day is a time that rushes in with homecomings and reunions. Therefore, roads can experience congested traffic and heavier usage which can reveal maintenance concerns. As I was out and about this past week, the community of Ripley County seemed to be focused on the holiday weekend and the time that would be spent observing end-of-summer traditions with family and friends alike...
Business Briefs (9/4/24)Diane’s Plaza Flowers located at 1307 Hillcrest Plaza in Doniphan encourages everyone to come vote on their favorite teacher for a chance to win a Versa tote. The drawing winner will be announced Friday, Sept. 6. Open Monday- Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. to noon...
Julie Stone To Assume Prospect-News Management Duties (9/4/24)The Prospect-News is in a transition phase with many changes ahead, not the least of which will be a shift in duties for Accounts Executive/Reporter Julie Stone. Effective Monday, Aug. 26, Stone took on the role of Prospect-News manager in addition to her job as accounts executive and writer...
Doniphan Senior Center Fundraiser Held Aug. 30 (9/4/24)
Autumn Mental Health Conference Sept. 16 (9/4/24)Missouri Highlands will host “Your Mind Matters,” a special conference on mental health, Sept. 16 at His Place Church. There is no cost to attend the three-day conference. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m., but those who wish to preregister may do so online at www.mohigh.org...
Annual Heritage Days Here Sept. 19-21 (9/4/24)September is traditionally the time for Doniphan to take a look back and remember days gone by. The city’s rich history and past culture will be again showcased as Doniphan celebrates Heritage Days, Sept. 19-21. A complete schedule of activities will appear in next week’s newspaper...
County To Meet Today With Internet Provider, FEMA To Visit Here Sept. 11 (9/4/24)Ripley County Commissioner Jesse Roy announced Aug. 28 that Com Ex telecommunications will make a presetation at today’s regular meeting of the commission. The purpose of that visit is to discuss broadband internet improvements. Over the past several weeks the RipleyConnect team of eight have been in meetings with a goal toward ensuring availability of high speed internet, even to the more remote and currently neglected areas of the county...
Voters Will Be Asked To Decide About Road Consolidation In November - Town Meeting In October To Discuss Pros, Cons (9/4/24)Come Nov. 5 a resolution will be on the general election ballot which will allow Ripley County voters to lay the groundwork for consolidating all 19 county road districts into one. Voters will be asked to approve a resolution which would adjust the current countywide property tax levies to .36 cents per $100 of assessed valuation...
Reflections of Grace- Romans 4:16 (9/3/24)“That is why it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his offspring—not only to the adherent of the law but also to the one who shares the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all…” — Romans 4:16...
FEMA Adjusts Services for Labor Day, September 2 (8/30/24)The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster operation in Missouri is making service adjustments in observance of the upcoming Labor Day holiday on Monday, Sept. 2, 2024. Disaster Recovery Centers: • Disaster Recovery Centers (DRCs) in Sikeston and Doniphan will be closed on Labor Day. The centers already are closed on Sundays. Both DRCs will reopen at 8 a.m. on Tuesday and resume operating hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon-Fri.; 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays...
VFW Posting Of Colors For Labor Day (8/29/24)
Ripley County Toys 4 Tots Grand Prize (8/29/24)
Second Recovery Rally Sept. 14 (8/28/24)The results of the first Recovery Rally in Doniphan were just too good not to do another one. The second of what will certainly be an annual event is set to take place Sept. 14, from 4 to 7 p.m., at the St. Benedict Parish Hall. Coordinator Serra McCabe has lined up a program and a cast of special speakers that will make this an occasion not to be missed...
Emmanuel Baptist Church Celebrates 70-year Anniversary (8/28/24)Emmanuel Baptist Church, 704 E. Locust in Doniphan, is marking their 70th anniversary with a special day of celebration on Sunday, Sept. 1. The congregation will hold a fellowship meal after the morning worship and will feature memories from Doris Gibson, the last remaining charter member...
‘American Patriots’ To Meet On Wednesdays, Kick-Off Event Sept. 4 (8/28/24)An interesting diversion is being offered to boys and girls ages 5 to 12 who are looking to spend a worthwhile evening away from the hypnotizing screens of their tablets, cell phones and television sets. The Doniphan First Baptist Church invites area youth to become involved in its American Patriot Boys and Girls program...
Ripley County Fair Swine, Sheep and Cattle Judging Results Given (8/28/24)Animal judging was moved from Thursday afternoon on Aug. 1 to Friday morning due to a heat advisory and concern for the animals at the Ripley County Fair. The 4-H and FFA members assisted each other by showing and acting as a handler with multiple entries in the same categories. The experience was one in which kids were trying new things, helping each other out and having fun...
Out And About (8/28/24)You do not have to be a financial adviser or a student of economics to realize that there are changes occurring in business, locally. Business owners and managers are doing all that they can to keep the doors open, currently. While I was out and about this past week, another business announced that they would be closing. Though as fate would have it, they were excited to announce that they would be starting a new venture in the future...
Scholarship Fund Gun Raffle To Be Given Away Sept. 28 (8/28/24)A gun raffle fundraiser is being held now to benefit the Danelle Gettings scholarship fund. The winning ticket will be drawn for a Ruger American 22 WMR 18” 9-RD Bolt Action Rifle at the Doniphan For Football Cornhole Tournament on Saturday, Sept. 28 at the football field...
Live Auction, BBQ Aug. 30, Doniphan Nutrition Center (8/28/24)The Doniphan Nutrition Center will host a live auction and barbecue dinner beginning at 4 p.m., Friday, Aug. 30. The meal will be served as dine-in or carry-out. Plates include ribs, potato salad, coleslaw, baked beans, a dessert and drink, all for $10...
Business Briefs (8/28/24)The Prospect-News, located at 110 Washington Street in Doniphan will be closed Monday, Sept. 2 in observation of Labor Day. The office will reopen Tuesday, Sept. 3, with new office hours: Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The office will be closed from noon to 1 p.m., for lunch. Visit us at www.prospectnews.com or call 573-996-2103...
Ripley County Resource Ministries Distributions Now Held On Saturdays (8/28/24)Ripley County Resource Ministries announces that effective immediately there will be a change in date for its monthly food, diaper and wipe distributions. Starting in September, RCRM will host the distributions each third Saturday of every month, at 10 a.m. at West Point Pentecostal Church...